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Forums: Index > Heroes Processing > Mordred Druidas

Name/Codename: Wild Magician/Mordred Druidas


Affiliation:I am not very well known, and quite secretive.

Powers: I use strong magic, and can harness the power of maic artifacts.

Appearance:I have short black hair, and deep brown eyes. I am always seen wearing a long green cloak with a hood that shadows my face. I have soft brown skin.

Personality:I am secretive and quiet, but when I am truly angry or upset, I unleash very powerful magic.

History:I have never really got along with other children, and usually they call me a freak, due to strange things that happen when i am arround.

Equipment:I usually do not carry equiment, but sometimes I use magic artifacts to aid me. Tukrea 20:53, April 4, 2012 (UTC)Mordred Druidas

short almost to the point of being stupid. Add more to basically everything.

~ ~ ~ ~    Lotto  05:44, June 8, 2012 (UTC)